Skills Building Classes
To obtain a decent job, people need to have the right skills to find work, to build their career, to contribute productively to society and integrate into local economic life.
Refugees face numerous challenges in accessing quality training and decent jobs. Education and training are the key to help them become more employable, thereby allowing them to gain access to decent work and to escape poverty. Skills can help the refugees become more resilient and transform their lives. To support employability and refugees’ access to higher paying jobs, Beyond90 offers skills building opportunities.
Computer Literacy - typing, intro to MSWord and resume creation.
Sewcial - women's social gathering while learning to sew
Driver Readiness - preparing for the driver's permit test
ESL, Civics & Citizenship - preparing to become U.S. citizens
And more coming
4000 Spring Park Road
Jacksonville, FL 32207
(on the campus of Faith UMC)
Classroom Information
Call 904-509-9388